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Do Not Feed the Monkeys Attic

The basics, you know, the how to play bit

Guess what! You have been accepted into an really exclusive club thanks to your buddy!
Do not feed the monkeys (humans in the videos) is their biggest rule.
You have until day 16 to have 25 videos to get the official ending.
But Day one you start off 4 live cameras and 90$
Rent, which is 90$ is to be paid every 3rd day (3, 6, 9, 12, 15) You can be late one day with the lady just complaining. I'm pretty sure there is more, but I haven't confirmed it, so I'm not going to put it up yet.
In the fridge you get a hotdog and some (fruit?)
on top of the fridge you get 3 shots of coffee
on the fridge door you can either have food delivered to you (pizza is the healthiest option) in one hour or travel an hour and buy food (chicken is honestly the healthiest meal you can buy and if fruit is ever on sale buy as much as you can, cause it raises your health!)
on the door to start you get three random jobs you can do
Then you have a bed that you can sleep anywhere between 1 and 8 hours.

Now, I want to point out your meters, you have a health meter which if drops down to 0 you go to the hospital and game over
I need to find out if that is the same for if you starve
But if sleepy hits 0 you pass out for several hours. I like how when you are tired you actually act tired, can sleep on the job, things get fuzzy for a bit and a bunch of other things

Cameras are $50 each,
by the start of day 6 you need to have 9 cameras. which gives you Macaco amauterensis
by the start of day 11 you need to have 16 Macaco masteriensis
and by start of day 16 you need to have 25 Macaco doctoriensis
If you do not have the number of camera by those days game over.
Oh there is also a secret ending if you uninstall on day one - Colobus express
You have a new neighbor on day 8 who is totally not the fuz and if you uninstall the monkey app after this point you can get the one of two endings Propithecus molli or Hylobates silensis

There are a few people who knock on your door. One is your neighbor who ask for 6 dollars every time he visits and if you give it to him, well, he stands up for you, also, it raises your karma if you have the plant.

Another recurring knock on the door is some witnesses who want to talk to you about their religious leader who was inspired looking at bacon fat. They give you a plant that keeps track of your karma and if its high enough, they give you a book. Which does give you the Lemur wylonii major achievement. Also, there is two other achievements you can get because of them, Lemur wylonii medus for good karma and Lemur wylonii vulgaris for bad karma

Some other achievements
Hapalemur dolarii - you manage to have $500
Tarsius amazonius - buy 4 items for people (they dont have to be accepted)
Ateles pencilianus - click 190 yellow words
Mandrillus barfii - eat 9 foods in a row (I eat a whole bunch of fruit when my health falls low)
Aotus televisibus - send 12 videos to (don't have to be accepted)
Mandrillus collector minor - get 4 items
Mandrillus collector medus - get 6 items
Mandrillus collector major - get 9 items
There is 21 items you can get in the game, but it is impossible to get every one unless you cheat.

Okay, whenever you see yellow text, CLICK it! While not every word is important, but sometimes you need several words to figure out a group of information so you can better look up stuff and answers questions. In some cases you cannot close the camera without getting at least one group.

Let's talk about the club!

There is three achievements that you can get from answering their questions however,

Gorilla clubensis minor - 3 right answers
Gorilla clubensis medus - 6 right answer
Gorilla clubensis major - 9 right answers

They send you emails! Here are some examples!
At 19:30 on Day 1 the Club sends the following email:

Sender: The Primate Observation Club
Subject: Voluntary observation studies

Dear Member,

As a Club member, we invite you to collaborate in our wildlife "Observation studies."

To do so, you will need to provide us with certain information about some of the cages loaded in your MonkeyVision. Once we have verified that your information is correct, you will be compensated for your work.

We remind you that these are VOLUNTARY assignments and that declining to participate will not affect your relationship with the Club in any way.

If you are interested in collaborating, keep an eye on your e-mail.

The Primate Observation Club
Answering gives you bad karma and if you are right Something is going to happen
Sender: The Primate Observation Club
Subject: SPECIAL observation study in Cage ##

Dear Member,

The Club is conducting an important study and we request your special collaboration as the observer of cage ##.

Please reply to this e-mail if you know the answer to the following question:

- <question>?

If the information is correct, you will be rewarded for your work in the amount of $XX

This offer will expire in 5 days.

The Primate Observation Club
Routine Studies have no affect on Karma but you only get 70 or 75 if you answer correctly
Sender: The Primate Observation Club
Subject: Routine observation study in Cage ##

Dear Member,

For the purpose of enhancing our database on animal behavior, we request your voluntary collaboration as the observer of cage ##. Please reply to this e-mail if you can answer the following question:

- <question>?

If your information is correct, you will be rewarded for your work in the amount of $XX

This offer will expire in 5 days.

The Primate Observation Club

Money Money Money ~ oo oo oo

You could earn money by

Completing monkey-vision missions.
Working. However, it takes time.
Filming and publishing the videos.
You could "feed" a monkey and earn money in the process via helping, ruining or extorting it.
Selling anything you got through the mail.
Waiter 110$ 12:00 - 00:00 8 hours
Bakery assistant 27$ 21:00 - 05:00 2 hours
Fast-Food Clerk 70$ 24 hours a day 8 hours
Supermarket Restocker 82$ 24 hours a day 8 hours
Bellhop 30$ 24 hours a day 4 hours
Dishwasher 84$ 12:00 - 00:00 8 hours
Sustitute Store Clerk 52$ 13:00 - 21:00 4 hours
Advertising Agency Intern 24$ 05:00 - 21:00 2 hours
Soup Kitchen Worker 14$ + 10 food 05:00 - 13:00 2 hours
Line Waiter 24$ 05:00 - 21:00 2 hours
Lawn Mower 12$ 05:00 - 21:00 1 hour
Caddie 28$ 05:00 - 21:00 2 hours
Warehouse Assistant 95$ 21:00 - 13:00 8 hours
Warehouse Manager 60$ 21:00 - 13:00 4 hours
Airport Luggage Handlers 48$ 24 hours a day 4 hours
Exterminator 48$ 21:00 - 05:00 4 hours
Potato Chip Taster 38$ + 20 food 13:00 - 05:00 4 hours
Gas Station Car Wash Attendant 15$ 05:00 - 21:00 1 hour1
Dog Walker 46$ 12:00 - 21:00 4 hours
Poster Hanger 42$ 13:00 - 00:00 4 hours
Night Security Guard 100$ 21:00 - 05:00 8 hours - NEG HEALTH
Night Cleaner 25$ 21:00 - 05:00 2 hours
Assistant Mail Carrier 20$ 05:00 - 13:00 2 hours
Exorcism Assistant (Maximilian Frye's job) 15$ 21:00 - 05:00 1 hours - Kill everybody in the Pregnant woman cage.
Septic Tank Cleaning Assistant (Gus' job) 88$ 21:00 - 13:00 8 hours
Etepier Ri Namraduz (Peole Zmeris' job) 85$ 24 hours a day 8 hours
Experienced Janitor (Jason Miles' Job) 50$ 13:00 - 21:00 4 hours - save the elevator cage
Social Worker -From the activist
Mail man - this is gotten by telling the mail man 3 times that you are not apt 36. But there is 8 of items that he will give you if you accept the packages.

Depending on the cages you can plan which jobs you want to do without missing anything that you don't already have

You can also sell the items you have, but selling some of the items will get you sent to jail.

You could spend money on

Purchasing food, healthy food is expensive and it gives a heart, trash food is cheap and it eats a heart.
At level 2, the OS will install a new application, where you could buy some items for the monkeys. To buy an item, you need an address. You could use it to "feed" the monkeys.
A neighbor will ask you money. You are not obliged to spend money. (if you want to raise your karma@)
The landlady will visit you every three days, and it will cost $90.
Each new camera costs $50 (some camera have a second camera)
You could buy two add-ins for the cameras, record and at level 2 you can get night vision
Product Cost Description
New camera 50 Obtain a new camera. Some cameras are useless.
Rent 90 Every 3 days.
Pizza 18 +22 food, -1 heart. Factor money food:1.2 (higher is better)
Hotdog 6 +12 food, -2 hearts. Factor money food: 2
Chinese Food 14 +22 food, -2 hearts. Factor money food: 1.57
Fruit 6 +2 food +2 hearts.
Yogurt 4 +2 food +1 heart.
Chicken 15 +15 food.
Coffee 6 +2 food -2 hearts +10 sleep.

Cage: Basement - gives an item

This creepy dark cage needs night vision to check it out. There is a doll who moves closer to the camera every day until day 6 its gone and there is news about a dead family. Day seven you get an doll in the mail that can be sold for $20, but it will come back 2 days later slightly blood stained and worth only 15, and again 2 days later comes back clearly bloodstained worth $10

Enigmatic Children's Doll
1970 "Jimmy Tender Hugs" model. Despite its age, it is very well preserved
Sell for $20
After having been sold once:

Enigmatic Children's Doll
Again, the 1970 "Jimmy Tender Hugs" model. Slightly bloodstained.
Sell for $15
After having been sold twice:

Enigmatic Children's Doll
Again, the 1970 "Jimmy Tender Hugs" model. Clearly bloodstained
Sell for 10$

You can choose to keep it and it will move around on your bed but wont hurt you. Since the doll kills whoever you sell it to, your karma will go down if you sell it.

This cage is referred to as "Diabolic Doll" in Fictiorama source files.
This cage is a reference to an indie video game "Five Nights at Freddy's".

Delivery guy says something about this cage: "Consider this: Are you the owner of what you have... or does what you have own you? You decide."

Cage: Filling Station

Its a gas station.

First thing, click Heavenly Hills and look it up. While this cage will beep whenever a car stops, you can pretty much ignore this cage until 23pm then right click the camera and throw it on the tab, you are looking for a big truck, there's a few things, but here is one picture of what it could be.

You can click on the plates of the cars, but they give no information. You are looking for the truck that has clearly been in an accident.

See that 37791? CLICK IT and then search it! Also, you can record it!

Next I strongly suggest searching the words Heaven Hills and Crash to get learn about the [loco I'm doing this from memory] some more searches will turn up Kimberly Pegg and how to contact both the driver and Kim.

You have some on how to close the camera

  • You can tell the couple to surrender to the police, and this will trigger an ending in the end of the game;
  • You can blackmail the couple to give you an amount of 35$ every morning.
  • You can send Kimberly Pegg a video of the truck when it stops by the gas station and in the next day it will be in the news that the truck was burned with the couple inside and Kimberly texts you telling her group will sew the player's avatar on their jacket's back;
  • You can send a video to, get a reward for the video, and in the next day's newspaper; there will be a story that the truck was set on fire with the couple inside.

The delivery guy talks about this cage as well: "Consider this: Shocking things can happen in the restaurant where machines eat."

Cage: Foreign Lady Apartment - 2 cameras - Achievement - Item

This is a Two camera cage.
One camera you watch the lady learn English. You need at least 3 translated word to learn a group that you can use to call call her. At the end of the show her lover will walk in and she will go dress as as a dominatrix, not that will be interested because she doesn't do anything.
You can catch her in front of the TV anytime between noon and midnight. Sometimes Her lover calls her by her first name.

But to get her last name you need her kitchen and to click on the calendar on the right side of the screen. But if you catch her on the phone between 10 and 11 she will always says her first name.

Search both names you get her phone number. And then if you pick one of the groups three times something happens and you cant do anything else.

  • Talking about HATRED will encourage her to murder the man visible in the camera. One can only speculate the reason, but she will turn herself in. Afterwards, she will call the player and give him 195$, and laughs at the end of the conversation. (Google "kekekeke" memes)
  • Talking about CATTLE will make her to buy a cow and place it in her kitchen. Yup. Really.
  • Talking about SEX will make her come over to your apartment. You can pay her 50$ for a dominatrix session, and she will forget her whip, which will act as a trophy. - Item
  • Talking about LOVE will unlock an achievement, and the next day you will have a job available (8h / 85$). The job description and person commenting your job performance are in the same gibberish language that Peole is speaking, so one can only guess- Achievement

The delivery guy has something to say about this cage: "Consider this: Only perseverance can make the Tower of Babel fall."

Cage: Convenience Store -Routine observation study

This camera is only active between midnight and either 8 or 9 am.

Really, this camera can be ignored until midnight,
Click the Logo, button, gun, register, basically EVERYTHING clickable.
then make it a thumb nail and wait for some customers. I think the only two you really need are the Scruffy man (who is clickable) asking for stuff for a "picnic" huh... but he gives you enough stuff to realize its a liquor store.
search the logo and liquor store and you get the store name, and I'm not sure if you need to search the name or its enough to get you the address and phone number.
The other customer you need click is the man with the Horse-mask who robs the store.

I need to confirm, but I think you can get the security company's name on the first night. if you say the Horse man is stealing and search that with the stores name. However, the next day's news paper will give you enough clues to find out the biker gang turned security.

If you call the Store while there is a customer, the clerk shoots whoever is in front of him, you can record this and send it to which will be accepted. If you text security after you call the clerk you get extra dialog.

The cage closes if the clerk kills a customer or gets robbed so many times without the security firm stopping the bad guy.

You can become an informer for the security firm and it will pay you every time they catch the thief thanks to you. The store gets robbed once a night around 2 or 4 am ish.

The delivery guy has this to say :"Consider this: Sleeping Beauty's eyes needs an extra pair of eyes. Besides, two engines are more effective than one."

Need to check, but I'm pretty sure this has a Special observation study

Cage: Elevator - Item - Job - Special observation study

This is another one that is only active at night. But this one has a time crunch. The old man will die if you wait to long to deal with him.

When you get this camera Click everything and then leave him alone. He wakes up at 11p and that is when things get interesting.

Be there for him when he wakes up at 11, Okay, you can miss night one, I think you get all the clues on night two, but still. I like to get all I can as fast as I can. Also, I need to test it again, but if you aren't checking on him before 1130 he goes right back to sleep...

after talking to the mascot, he reads, and you need a few clues to be able to select that its a romance novel if you want to prove to his that you are legit. But when he stops reading out loud you can make him a thumbnail and check on other things until he starts writing.

He starts writing at 4am and this is how you get enough clues that he's a janitor and use to be a mascot for a basketball team.

Finding out the name of the building. You need to wait until he goes through his writing on the wall, that way you can pick out the "tallest building" hint. After that, he will talk to his the doll about basketball. You can find out the mascot's name (Mr. Cannonball), which in turn leads to the name of the area (Foggy Island) where the basketball team plays (Corsairs). Combining area name + tallest building in the ProOwl Search gives you the name of the building (Treasure Tower).

Combining Treasure Tower + Janitor into ProOwl search gives the name of the janitor, Jason Miles. which lets you get his phone number and lets you talk to his his wife. As long as you don't say you saw it in your Crystal ball she trust you and the next day her lawyer will call you and offer you a bribe of $300.
if you accept the bribe the wife will call you upset
if you decline the lawyer says you past the test, you get an item and a job.

The delivery guy has this to say: "Consider this: The spotless man needs help... Watch out for the corsairs and pirates."

I know that the club will ask you for the name of the building that Jason is trapped in.

Cage: Elderly Home - Item

Click everything in the room,

The times to pay attention to this cage is between 10-12 and after 1800

During the talk you need enough information to pick Vulnerable Senior and the old man's last name of Mr. Setter (which gets said at the 1800 meeting the first day and every time after)

Searching Vulnerable senior gets you a phone number, call it and ask for number two. The person on the phone is pretending to be a robot. Anyways, you find out the old man's first name and with that you can find his phone number and call him.

After the lady leave her 1800 appointment, he watches a video that gives you enough information to search Freedonia and crazy dictator searching those will give you his proper name August Henkel.

You need the second day with the camera to get enough information to judge him.

Confront the old man about his true identity and past. Once the player has acquired the old man's phone number and determined his true identity, he can be called and confronted with it. Based on several of the words that can be noted for the cage, the player will be given the option to declare "The past was great", "the past was horrible", or "the past is... irrelevant" in the notebook. The former two options can be used to either encourage or shame the old man, which will both trigger the ending for the cage. If convinced that his past was good, the player will receive a reward in the mail and unlock and achievement. If you say "the past was Great!" The Plant in your room will start going evil, if you say "The Past Was Horrible" It will go Good.

Also, if you tell him its good you get an item.

The delivery guy has this to say: "Consider this: The grey haired dragons guards a treasure. Even the worst monsters can have friends."

Cage: Porch - Item - Achievement - Routine observation study

Okay, the kid is crying. Why? we think its because he knows what's going on with his parents or maybe he just wants that educational toy.

There is three times to check the cage


The first thing you want to do is try to identify the father and the few times I got this cage he never said his case name. But once you get it (I'll update this next time I get it) you can search it and get his name, which gives you an phone number

You need to watch quite a few times to be able to get enough clues to pick what kind of toy he wants which is educational, if you offer to buy it for the dad he'll give you his address. - this will cause a massive green cloud over the country.

you also have the option of recording one or both of the parents yelling at the kid and after the day calls him the something about being the worlds saddest kid, you can get the the games version of the CPS and hand them a video and you get an achievement and an item. You can talk to the cps lady about which toy are good for kids and she hates all the options.

The delivery guy has this to say: "Consider this: The noisy puppy is easy to please... but he carries the apocalypse in his tears."

There is a Special observation study, they want to know the fathers name

Easter Egg
There's an easter egg to another Fictiorama Studios' game you can find in this cage by browsing "commercial" + "video-game".

No-Interaction Cages

Excavation site
Either a ufo, a dinosaur skeleton, or a human skeleton with a shopping cart will be revealed slowly over several days.

Prison Cage
This is a political dissident who will eventually die and show up in news.

Mannequin Display Cage
Although they change occasionally on day change, I'm not sure there's any order to it. Themes seen: 20s, 60s, 80s, Space Futuristic, and then store closed.

Tires Cage
A small fire starts in the distance on day 2, spreads a little on day 3, and then the whole thing is tires on fires.

Billboard Cage
A variety of slightly humorous but mostly boring messages can appear.

Underwater Cage
At some point, a dead body will be sent to sleep with the fishes. it rots over time.

Turbine Cage

Highway Cage

Pendulum Cage

ATM Cage - people will come on camera

Airport Cage

Train Tracks Cage

Garage Door Cage - dings whenever a car shows up or leaves

Microwave Cage - dings whenever is used, the little girl microwaves amusing things! but no ill effects...

Laundromat Cage - people using the laundry mat

Altar Cage - This cage features an altar in a Catholic church with a live priest pretending to be a relic. He timecards in - which switches a light next to the altar to green - and lies down in a glass container on the altar. Worshipers come by and sometimes sit down for prayer. The priest has a lunch break and a reading break which are undisturbed despite the green light. He later timecards out - which switches the light to red - and leaves.

9:50 comes in,
11:50-12:40 has a sandwich,
16:30-17:55 reads a book,
22:30 leaves the altar.
(note that the priest does not show up on some days)

Lighthouse Cage

Doberman Cage - its a puppy!


Glitched camera

Chicken Cage

Robot arm




Tanning bed

Call Center - Routine observation study

This cage has a bit of sad story. Alice (you can find out at about 18:00 when she answers her phone from her mom) Cassady (sign upper right) is a recovering alcoholic who one day caused a fatal car crash. All she wants to do is work and make it on her own.

she gets to work between 9 and 10 and you just need to watch one or two work calls to get enough information to know that its an insurance company. Be sure to catch Prudence at the end of those calls because that's the name of it which is needed for the study. (prudence +insurance company) will get you a phone call and you can talk to Alice.

if you look up Alice's name you get her address.

if you send her alcohol two days in a row she will give you however much insurance money you ask for and then the next day die in a car accident.

pretty sure that your actions here will affect the plant. but I haven't checked.

Cage: Pregnant Woman - 2 cameras - Item - Job

Okay! Hey look, a polycule! This actually makes me happy :D

Really, unless you want the item and the job, or if you just nosy, you don't need to do anything with this cage. It eventually closes when the baby is born if you do nothing.

On the first day you get the first camera at about 930 the husband will come in and talk with the pregnant woman. Note the word chili pepper. When he's about to leave they talk about a radio station and weather. Click all the yellows in this bit of the conversation.

You need to look up radio station, I always search it with whatever weather word I get. It gives you a company and a chat box. If you have 50$ tell them that you want them to say its going to rain. The next day or two the husband will leave with his hat and umbrella which will let you see who the lover is.

The second camera needs night vision! But the father is a demon, if you look up demon and chili pepper you get the name! while they talk you realize that the father is being stalked (by an exorcist)

You have three choices with this information

1 - do nothing, the baby is born and there is a news article and an end game card
2 - tell Max the wrong time that the father is with the woman, he gets killed, baby gets born, ect
3 - text Max while the father is visiting the woman. The polycule dies but you get an item and a job! That's worth it right? ~~ I cant bring myself to do this one

Cage: Activist in a room - Special observation study - Achievement - Job

So this guy is an activist. There is only really 3 time stamps that he's actively doing stuff.

1130a & 19 his buddy Pete comes over. Really you just need Crystal Kitchen and association or neighborhood to get Rick's name texting information.

at 14 Food gets delivered to him. Looking up any of the food names will get you Angelo's Heaven and then looking that up you can get there phone number.

If you send Rick food ($14) you get the achievement!

You can talk to Rick. He will ask you for 3 payments, 25, 25, and 15. Paying this will get you a job as a social worker which raises your Karma every time you do it.

You can also refuse to give him money, which pauses the story.

If you tell him a few times in the same conversation about Angelo's He will leave and it will close the cage.

FYI, you can give the address to the club and then scare off Rick. They will not pay you even though your information is correct.

The special observation for this cage ask for his address. Once you get the email you have a chance to call Angelo's and ask to make sure they have the right address. - doing this will get the apartment tossed and Rick killed. The building he lives in will get demolished and his neighbors will only get like a 3% discount to coat check?

Recording Studio - 2 cameras - Item

Hey look its David Bowie! Well, a spoof of him anyways.

So he's on screen 10, 14, and 22.

You really only need to watch the 2200 session. They are all the same! After the 2200 one he goes to the second camera and makes a phone call, which you need to pick up the word "birthplace" (which he never seems to say on day one)

When he's recording you need to click all the shiny yellow words. Also, there is lots of clickables on the screen. "Lower the Curtain" is the searchable one once you realize that he is a musician. That gives you his name, Ethan Edge.

Ethan is from Sunny Shores and if you search that with beach, sand or sunny you get a travel agency who is not impressed with Ethan calling him a junkie but is willing to sell you his address. If you have time to kill you can ask to buy a souvenirs... funny, they are fresh out of everything. Just as you are about to hang up they offer to sell you his phone number too.

If you buy him Nolopaine and send it to his address, the next day he will finish his song and call you his Cosmic chemical angel at the first session and mention you when he calls his supporter and if you call him after talk to him about it he will send you an item.

It doesn't matter if you help him finish his record or ignore him, he does die. Or does he just go to his supporter and disappear?

Cage: Say Cheese - Items - Achievements -

Clicking around enough and you'll get an option to say you are in an attic, which is important

I think there is a club email about this... I'll update the next time I get this cage.

The camera seems to be active at 10, 14, 18 and then sometimes once more

So Leslie is taking nude photos of her neighbor Ashley.... Lots of different ways to go about this cage!

The fastest thing you can do is record Leslie taking pictures and send it to - closes the cage but does give you Leslie's name.

Clicking shinnies while she's taking pictures leads you to the options of sneaked photos and actress. Searching Cotton Princess and Actress will give you Ashley's name and searching that will give you her agents name and number. The other two groups you can get if you watch enough are driver and how much you think the blackmail is worth. Search driver and Ashley and you can get Leslie's name that way.

Now, if you do not want to turn in the video to you can call her agent and ask if Ashely is a nudist... for this, you will get a picture of Ashley. If you answer Driver/Leslie and/or Attic, you will get one or two more pictures. - Item & Achievement

Or, you could talk to Leslie and blackmail her for money or have her become your driver and instead of taking an hour to go to the store it takes you just 10 minutes. Doing this will get you Item and Achievement

Or you could talk to Leslie and mention the word Attic to her, which spooks her and she leaves, and closes the cage.

Fan Service Image
By browsing certain words such as "nude" and "photo" the player can reach this website of celebrities' breasts

Cage: Financial Advisor - Item - Achievement

13~17, 20, 00

:D poor guy leading a double life. By day an accountant by night a lip singing wonder.

watching him in the afternoon you can pick up enough information to realize that he is a Financial Advisor. Hopefully you picked up his slogan Low cost because those two words gets you his name Jonathan Dull, which leads to his phone number.

If you call him you be sure to click the part where he admits he needs advice.

now, either wait for his agent to call around 2030 or for him to dance at midnight to pick up the name Wolf at Wallstreet

Call him and mention the Wolf on Wallstreet

now you can either tell him to follow his dreams which will give you a little bit of money every now and then

you can tell him to forget about it, which nets you the item and the achievement

or you can try to blackmail him which is an option I haven't tried yet

Cage: Countryside - Routine observation study

A panning camera overlooking a wheat field. A barn, railroad tracks, a windmill, and a satellite antenna can be seen. Occasionally a train will pass by.

When you get this camera be sure to click the windmill, the antenna is clickable too, but not really needed. You can now ignore this camera until it beeps that the train is on screen. Click the train.

Search the train and windmill to get the actual trains name and when you click that you get a list of stops. Hey look, [Browning?] is right next to a field...

So when the club ask, tell them that.

Then a few days later there is a crop circle. Click it! Hmm... some guy Named Stefan is interested in them. Call him and mention Browning to him. It closes the cage but you'll get money a few days later.

If you give him the wrong info he calls you upset and still closes the cage

Forest - Item - Achievement - Routine observation study

Awe, Bunnies and squirrels. Click them and the cords to get where the forest is located. Which is all you need for the club. click the word hunters.

Okay, to do anything further with this camera you need night vision!

so between 22 and midnight Trihorn deer show up, record them! Also click!

Searching the deer and hunters gives you the local hunting club text and you can send them proof that you have seen the deer.

If you give them the wrong info you get a mediocore ending.

If you give them the right ending you have two options both will net you the item and achievement

1 record them killing the deer and send it to
2 dont record them
also your neighbor will say this: Hey! Did you read about that deer slaughter? I bet it was those damn vegetarians. They want to eliminate all the animals so we all have to eat lettuce!

The delivery guy talks about this cage: Consider this: they're timid and easily frightened. The forest's bounty hides from the sun.

Cage: Greenhouse - 2 cameras

I've only gotten this cage once.

And all the stuff I'm looking up on it isn't the clearest.

I know you need to find the complete lyrics to the song that they are singing on camera so you can break the spell on the owner.

You need the address and phone number along with name of the owner.

Then you can either send Plant Killer or Fertilizer to the address.

You can kill the plant. I know I did.

Next time I get this I'll update this okay?

Cage: Granny House - 2 cameras - Item - Achievement - Special observation study

You do not need the 2nd camera to do the observation. You just need to click the clock when she is not home. She leaves at 1455, I normally tell them 1500 but she comes home around 1600
... I have never given them a wrong answer so I don't know what they do yet.

Her cameras tend to be active around 10, 1245, 19 and 2215

10 and 19 times are on camera one (and 19 doesn't always happen) you have clickable words that give you a group philanthropist.

1245 and sometimes 2215 she visits her vault on the second camera and if you watch her, she names something in the room. Searching those items gives you information about the auction house and can lead you to her name. Be sure to grab the name of the painting! Also you can record her going into her vault

With her name you can get her phone number and blackmail her. This gives you an item and an achievement, but she finds the camera and the club realizes that you have fed the monkey.
I would like to note I have not done this yet so I cannot tell you what happens.

There is also a way to report her for tax fraud using the video but I don't know what that is at this time.

Cage: Ghost Writers - Routine observation study - Achievement - Job

They get to work at 1030 and talk for a bit, 1500 is there first break but pay attention when the camera beeps because they talk quiet a few times until they go home which is typically by 0130

The club just wants to know the name of the alpha monkey, you know, their boss.

You can film the boss (Fiona) and sell the video to Shock.TV to close the case and make some money.
You can call the blond man (Gus) and pay him $130 to write a self-help book for you. This closes the case but you get different outcomes based on a title you've chosen (you need to have the relevant word groups figured out):

  • "happy" + "sad" will sell well and the return is $330;
  • "happy" + "happy" will not sell as well as "happy" + "sad", but still will give you a return of $230;
  • any title with Fiona's name sells well at first but you get sued by her later and get no royalties; you will get a job from Gus though;
  • "fluids" + "fluids" does not sell well but gets you a Lepilemur poopoo achievement and a job from Gus;
  • any other title will not sell well but still gets you a job from Gus.

Sports Bets - Special observation study - WiP

Okay, I'll be honest, this is not a cage that I have really tried to deal with.

The Club wants to know what time the little light turns red. Click the light at 2200. Case closes
I haven't given them a wrong time yet

There is way to interact with the cage. If you sit and read the scrolling LD it gives you several yellow words. One sit through I'll give you what you need. I know that if you search highway 45 with something you get what you need to be able to make bets, I've managed to pull it off ONCE.

Cage: Space Station - 2 Cameras - Item - Achievement

You really need the second camera. And it is only active starting at Noon.

This is a time sensitive camera. She will die if you do nothing.

Also you need to open this cage before day 11 if you want the item and Achievement!

First day while she is talking at Noon, record her and send it to
There are some clickie stuff that she says.
But on the newspaper on the day after you send the video to you get a Name which leads to a phone number.

The second day she talks she mentions an umbrella. I dont know if you need to have clicked it to get the item, I just always do.

before she gets home call her phone number between 18 and 19 (i've called at 1850 no problem) to talk to her kid and tell him you know that his mom is going home, that you are the one sending the videos. When she gets home she will call you thanking you and then you will get an item and the achievement

If you call the kid outside of that time frame his other mother will not let him talk to you.

Cage: Museum - Special observation study

This one is something that you don't really need to pay much attention to.

Make notes of everything obvious (bust, visitors);
Wait for the crowd to dissipate and make a note of an inscription on the bust's pedestal (Amenophis V);
Search bust + Amenophis V to learn the rest (exhibition, priceless, Central Museum, Kevin Elgin);
search Kevin Elgin to learn his phone number, not that he will talk to you. You just need it for the club.

A: Correctly answer special observation study - bad karma
The cage switches to pending once you reply to the study. If the answer is correct, you receive a modest sum for connecting the Club with Mr. Elgin who will apparently assist in swapping original bust with a derpy fake. The cage closes after the news which appear on the following day or the day after. This is the only way to close the cage.

B: Incorrectly answer special observation study or ignore it
This enables you to achieve the Mediocre monkey ending.

Camera Configurations

Looking throughout the different walkthroughs, someone mentioned that there is only 6 possible configurations.

So my next few run throughs I'll put what cameras I got :D well see how things correlate
