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what happened to eto in tokyo ghoul re

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The recent anime adaption of TG:re and the style they handled the Eto instance . All of that awakened my anger..

I needed to present my shitty theory. I didn't see anyone with this detail theory before. So i thought i might throw it out at that place. In instance anybody is looking for answers.

Now. First thing starting time. We need to understand how things went during the Cochlea arc. How Eto was ultimately defeated past fuckboy furuta. And what happened to her after meeting kaneki. And how she ended upwardly in the clowns' hands

Of class. Eto was imprisoned, thus she was injected with some RC suppressing drugs. To make certain she doesn't turn into Owl. Due to these drugs she was unable to use her kagune nor she was able to regenerate. She was heavily weakened.

She was basically a human.

Fuckboy furuta. Beingness the evil mastermind that he is. WANTED Eto to suspension out to kill the 5 members. Probably considering he didn't want his human relationship with the clowns revealed notwithstanding. He was still not a high ranking member in V. So he wanted to use Eto's rage against V to wipe out all the V members and leave no witnesses. In order to do that, he had to make certain she had enough ability to interruption out of her cell. So he fed Eto her poor publisher. Or some of him. Bringing her Simply plenty force to do and then. Simply as the evil fuckboy planned


She might take also eaten some dead investigaters who were laying around due to all the fighting. This volition give her enough power to plough into her kakuja form.

And she does. She saves touka's squad. and and so kills some V fuckboys. Then she faces furuta. Who was definitely expecting her. Since he's the one who gave her the adventure to break out.

The fight happenes. Eto gets rekt.

Now i don't wanna sound similar a fanboy. Simply a lot of us can concord Eto was not in her best form. Subsequently furuta surprised her with his attack. and blown her out of her kakuja. It's articulate she didn't take plenty power or RC cells to form a new ane. As seen here. She appears to have used her basic kagune to fight. Meaning her RC levels were at the time very low


Now. Nosotros have seen eto regenerate her artillery and even her WHOLE lower half. And as nosotros can see here. She but lost her legs. Eto in her full power will merely regenerate them without any problems . Simply she was already low on RC cells even before she turned into a kakuja and fought furuta. Which we know is a pretty powerful motherfucker. She doesn't have plenty RC cells left to regenerate annihilation. That's why she says she's gonna dice to kaneki. Cos she's all out of RC cells. And apparently she doesn't have legs to walk. Then eating some of the V members is out of the question. Since she was blasted away during the fight. judging by the cleaved wall behind her, sending her away from all the bodies. And if in that location were any close. She would have been unable to reach them. Having no legs and all

Ok the next part is a bit confusing. Since we didn't go to see what happenes at the end of the cochlea arc. We do know form eto'due south comeback in the last arc. That donoto and the clowns got a agree of her. So here. I spilt it into two different scenarios Eto could have concluded upwardly in the clowns' hands

ane- kaneki merely left Eto. Thinking she would die. Since she already told him that


Now i actually don't similar this theory. It doesn't really fit kaneki'south character. Yes, kaneki didn't intendance for Eto as much as he did for hinami or touka. But, he admitted to admiring her and her works, he besides rememberes that yoshimura asked him to save her. So the least he could have washed for him is to salve her. The only matter left of his family . Kaneki owes his life to the manger. And then he won't just let his last wish go to waste product.

And so according to this theory. Kaneki just leaves Eto behind to die, donoto reachs her before she's dead and under furuta's lodge he turns her into a boob . Since it would accept been such a waste matter to let her die. Without using her.

As much as i hate this. It's karma. Eto had puppets. Noro and Karen. So it'due south karma that she ended up every bit someone else's puppet.

2- kaneki helped her. But she was taken by the clowns during the last fight of the arc

Now the terminal fight of the cochlea arc was not shown. But we practice know that aura got her legs cutting off. And kaneki and the gang escaped.

Yes. Kaneki is very dangerous when yous are trying to kill his friends and time to come-wife. But i don't retrieve kaneki will slice aureola'southward legs off just because she's doing her chore.

A third party was involved in this fight.

The clowns.

Now. Let's assume kaneki wanted to assist Eto. The outset thing he needs to do is to feed her something to give her plenty strength and RC cells to stay alive.

We have seen it time and time again. Y'all tin be armless and legless. If you lot consume some meat you will be completely fine. Nosotros have seen it with kaneki. Not but one time. Merely twice.


At the cease of part one. Kaneki was desperately hurt past amon. And was going to die. Till hide showed upwardly and helped him stay alive past letting him eat his confront

Then kaneki was fine only after eating hide'due south face. Why wouldn't Eto be fine after eating kaneki'southward .


Kaneki was coving his confront hither. Why would he? Yeah he may accept wanted to look Libation and all. Only if nosotros assume he helped eto by letting her eat some of his face up. This volition make more than sense. Even if nosotros assume kaneki hates or doesn't like eto enough to let her eat his face up. He would at least do it to award yoshimura'due south memory. His last wish.

And kaneki can easily regenerate whatever damage done to his face up by Eto. So i think he didn't call back much of it.

So. If kaneki saved eto. How did she end up in the clowns' hands?

Yep. Eto may have been able to escape decease past eating kaneki's face up. But i don't think she will be all charged upwards just from that. It's plenty to stay alive. Not to fight.

So my theory is that the clowns crashed the kaneki vs aura fight. And was able to steal Eto's body abroad. Ordered by furuta himself. As having her in his hands played a function in his masterplan in the last arc.

During this event. Aura's legs get chopped off. Either by kaneki unintentionally while trying to fight the clowns. Or by one of the clowns themselves. Cos i don't recollect kaneki is vehement plenty to cut off aura's legs in a normal fight.

What backs upwardly this theory more is that aura held no grudge against kaneki. I hateful she doesn't take legs anymore. She can no longer walk . Definitely that's gonna brand y'all hate someone. But she doesn't. And that leads me to believe the fight had more to it.

Information technology doesn't matter if one of these theories is the right one. All of them resulted in Eto falling into the clowns' hands.

Now. What did the clowns desire from Eto? And what did they practice to her?

Eto was definitely the strongest ghoul before kaneki became black reaper. And is still in the top five by the end of the series. Having her as a weapon is definitely an reward furuta wouldn't pass on.

During the time Eto was in their hands. the clowns fed her ghouls. Since there were and so many ghouls dying and getting killed during furuta'due south time in power over the CCG. It won't be hard for the clowns to get their easily on a lot of ghouls.

The more you feed her ghouls. The more powerful her kakuja is gonna exist when you use her.

She was under donoto'due south command. So breaking out was not an choice. Since she had no command over her trunk. Aye. She definitely would have enough RC cells to break out. Only, she'southward under control. Meaning she tin't move, utilize her kagune or regenerate her head.

And so. The fourth dimension came. And the clowns desided to put her to use.


This version of owl is shown to exist very strong. Perhaps even stronger and so Eto's regular version. Probably because the amount of ghouls they fed her . She is very strong. And wasn't defeated till the one who's controling her, donoto, got killed past amon.

After donoto's death. Eto regained command over her trunk. And now, unlike last time she was in command, with the crazy amount of RC cells she has. Regrew her unabridged caput. And attacked the V leader.

Now. The head is the near complex function of the human body. It contains the brain. Which in itself is the most circuitous organ . So regenerating the caput must require a very high level of RC cells. Nosotros haven't seen any ghoul regenerate their head before. Nosotros did meet some reattach it. But not fully regrowing information technology. Then regenerating the caput must crave a crazy fix number of RC cells normal ghouls and fifty-fifty some super ghouls tin can't accomplish. And since Eto was fed so many ghouls. And is already a kakuja. Her RC level must be crazy and high enough to exist able to regenerate the caput.

And so. Why was Eto on the ground the side by side affiliate?


Equally i said, regenerating the head takes a lot of RC cells. And then Eto is understandably exhausted. And probably passed out. She just regenerated her brain. And so i don't think she volition but be ready to go instantly. She needs rest.

Now we know ishida is heartless sometimes. And she would be simply expressionless. But he did pull up a similar matter merely a few chapters agone


Nosotros all thought Naki was expressionless. And "sleeping" was a nice way to say it. But plain he was really just sleeping. And appeared a couple of capacity subsequently.

Tho why did naki demand to "sleep"?

He clearly passed out

He used too many RC cells. He fought a big number of Five members. Which are said to exist on special class investigater level. So fighting them is gonna make naki apply all he has got. All of his RC cells.

And so that means

Using too many RC cells = passing out

Regenerating entire caput = using likewise many RC cells


Regenerating entire head = passing out

Now why was Take looking at Eto equally she was on the ground ?

was he making sure she'south expressionless?

Take knew most arima's plans for the ane eyed king. So he knew he was secretly working with Eto. Then he might have met Eto at some point while accompanying arima. So he looked at her surprised to come across her here. Since he idea she died back in cochlea. Or if we're going with the assumption Kaneki helped her and the clowns stole her. He may have thought she was eaten or killed.

I have seen some people linking the possibility of Eto dying to Koma and Irimi most likely dying on the same page. that and the fact all three of them didn't appear in the terminal chapter.

both irimi and koma are very close to touka and the others, so being nowhere to exist found in the last chapter raises the chance of them being dead.  in that location's a possibility they may be alive. merely information technology's very unlikely.

why do i think Eto case is very unlike from irimi and koma's ?

1- they were controlled by Kaiko, non donoto

donoto'southward way in decision-making bodies is different from Kaiko's. we don't have much info on how Kaiko manged to control irimi and koma. as they appeared very crazy and their eyes were rolling around. this had something to do with why they died. and so whatever killed koma and irimi had no effect on Eto. since she was controlled by donoto using a different method.

2- Eto is far superior. in all categories

Eto'due south regenerating abilities are far superior to both koma and irimi. not just them. only i cartel to say Eto has the best regeneration power in the series. without counting Noro since he's basically a function of Eto's kagune.

so, a wound the will impale irimi and koma will be a scratch for Eto. i mean both of them were nearly dead from i dare to say normal attacks dorsum in function one'south terminal arc. if it wasn't for kaneki they would accept died easily.

three- Eto can nonetheless do something in the new world.

equally i will explain later on. Eto has multiple things she could be dong afterwards the 6 year time-skip, compared to koma and irimi. who would still exist hanging effectually Touka, kaneki, nishiki and the others. and as we have seen in the final chapter. they are nowhere to be found.

of grade, there's still a gamble that koma and irimi are alive with their own Coffee shop that the crew didn't visit on that specific day affiliate 179 takes identify in. or that  they died of normal causes during the 6 year gap , cos we know they are pretty onetime. but it'south a depression chance. given their somewhat poor regeneration abilities.

Now, why was she not in the last chapter?

That'southward the biggest question i take. And i honestly accept no explanation for it other than that ishida wanted to proceed her fate a mystery to keep the community alive. Or a small per centum of it. Since answering all the questions kills all the activities. that's my only explanation.

Well. Where'southward she afterwards the 6 year fourth dimension skip then?

She could be anywhere for all i know. She could exist kaneki's side piece for anal sex and deepthroats (doujin idea my friend will draw. Information technology's gonna be a fleck late tho about 5 months. Stay tuned for it)

But i do have 2 theories on where she's now

1- she's imprisoned. For all of her past deportment.

Now let'south be honest. Eto is no angel. She'due south actually far from one. So i can encounter her doing some years for her past deportment. Yes. She did them for the greater adept. Only that doesn't change the fact they were horrible stuff.

2- she'south acting as a ghoul pol.

Ghouls have became a function of the world. And so they definitely need a representative in politics. Eto is a well spoken woman. And is very intelligent. And is already a famous writer. And so she's perfect for political work. she already did a huge change of heart in some humans after revealing she'due south a ghoul.

plus, ghouls aren't very educated , most tin can't fifty-fifty read. then in that location's not really any contest for Eto except some names who she will notwithstanding shell in terms of influence and popularity. plus she has experience beingness a leader.


 I found this pic that belongs to the 2016 Tokyo Ghoul Calendar. which contained artwork by Ishida himself. this cartoon will give more than legitimate to this theory.

 as we tin can encounter in this drawing. She has multiple microphones in forepart of her + she has long hair + she has her ghoul eye activated.

 so that rules out the time she revealed herself every bit a ghoul in her last book'south press briefing back in chapter 63 of :re. since she had curt hair at the time. different wearing apparel,  and blackness reaper was right adjacent to her. compared to a number of  people which tin be security. not that Eto would need whatsoever.

and information technology too rules out her talking to the Aogiri tree members, cos of the microphones, the clothes and that strange logo on the front of the table.

 she ever talked to them while having her bandages on. and revealed herself only one time, wearing her usual aogiri tree textile. which is not the case here. and like i said above , no microphones were used during that speech .

so my theory is.

 it's one of her lectures as a politician. the day this cartoon is featured on is fifty-fifty called lecture day!

nosotros take seen some foreshadowing in these agenda pages, such as kaneki'south subsequently nutting pose at the end of chapter 125 and Eto's cross caput. then i won't be surprised if Ishida left this film equally a role of the Eto mystery. for people to look for and solve. that's what i strongly believe.

Yes. Some of these drawings may be uncanon. Like some cat day drawings. There's no way white haired takizawa is gonna wear cat ears.

But why did ishida choose Eto of all people for lecture day? He could accept used furuta. As we know he did a number of lectures and public speechs during his Primary of CCG days. Just he chose Eto. Wearing formal clothes and being comfy revealing her ghoul eye to the public. If we accept in my theory. This choice will make lots of sense. It's a piece of the Eto mystery Ishida left us to solve.

Think most it. All Eto's fate related moments were cut. Her fight with furuta. What happened after talking to kaneki. How the clowns got her. And finally not appearing in the last chapter. It seems too much. These are all the events she had something to do with ever since the cochlea arc. And they were all off panel . Why? Do i think Ishida removed all of these events because he hated Eto?

That's only stupid.

It all seems similar a puzzle. Pieces to put together. Blank pages where the fans tin can make their ain theories of what happened. And based on their theories. They can find out Eto'southward fate.

Ishida went out of his fashion to requite u.s.a. everyone's fates in the last affiliate. Even Misato, who i honestly forget exsited. So why leave Eto out?

He didn't hate her. If he did, wouldn't it just be easier for him to impale her off like a dog? Have her raped and eaten? Look at how Roma died. Ane affiliate she's the kakuja that has been living for more then 50 years eating and becoming one of the highest ranked ghouls in the world. The next she's a headless corpse with her caput split open into 2 pieces. That's what he would practise if he hated her.

You recollect being controled by donoto was cruel? A way for ishida to humiliate Eto because he hated her?

Karma. It's so painfully obvious. Ishida wanted to show how karma can get you. Eto had at least 2 puppets that she controlled. Noro and Karen. Then he was just giving her a taste of her own medicine. Nosotros already know ishida loves turning one's weapons against them.

He desided to keep all her fate related events off console. It's like i said. A puzzle. Writers sometimes do this kind of thing. They don't desire to give everything to the readers. They want them to use their imagination. To brand theories. And that's what i think Ishida has washed. And, Based on my puzzle…

Eto is definitely live. There's no doubt.

I hope this theory was skillful. I am still working on my English writing skills. there might be some mistakes here and there. So forgive me if you find whatsoever.

in the terminate. This is my theory. So take it with a grain of salt. Just this is what i came with based on my agreement of the story. And certain events that happened.

I promise it was disarming.


I had to edit this 6 times cos tumblr kept fucking up my photos
